Urban Planning Implementation Evaluation: A Multilevel Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Approach

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 27 Apr 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501610010200


Urban system is a dynamic complicated system involved with many uncertainties, thus always leading to an undesired situation that the city doesn't develop as the previously made urban plans. Urban planning implementation evaluation, which is devoted to urban planning implementation supervision and management, is an important and indispensible part of efficient, healthy and sustainable urban development. The prevailing urban planning implementation evaluation methods have been widely applied and yielded some achievement, but the existence of uncertainty definitely brings about some defects and difficulties in tradition methods. In this paper, a multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is proposed to handle with the uncertainty and complexity in urban planning implementation evaluation. First, a multilayer comprehensive evaluation index system was established, including both conformance-based criteria and performance-based criteria. Concerning the uncertainty in the process of obtaining the dynamic criteria values, a modified analysis hierarchy process was introduced to determine the weights of criteria, fuzzy set theory was adopted to calculate the membership degrees of criteria, and different fuzzy operators were chosen to obtain the final evaluation result layer by layer. Finally, a case study was analyzed to illustrate and test the proposed approach. It is concluded that the methodology integrating analysis hierarchy process with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is capable of dealing with the situation where criteria are complex and involved with uncertainties when evaluating urban planning implementation.

Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, urban planning, urban planning evaluation.
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