Manuscripts can be submitted easily using the Bentham Open Manuscript Processing System (MPS). For more information, please visit the following link:
Authors may track the progress of their articles at any time during the publication process via the Manuscript Processing System (MPS).
Information on our journals’ indexation by various indexing agencies can be viewed at
The marketing team can assist authors in presenting their published research in video (podcast) format and blogs, helping to disseminate published results to a wider audience.
The marketing team can assist authors in promoting and sharing their research through various social media platforms, thus providing an opportunity to network with both academic and industrial professionals around the world. For more information, please contact
Our experienced editorial staff assists authors in the management, proofing, and typesetting of submitted manuscripts, prior to publication.
Bentham Open provides high-quality article reprints, which are ideal for presentation to authors’ colleagues and collaborators, at a very reasonable cost.
Bentham Open has collaborated with Kudos ( to increase the portfolio of its services for the authors. Kudos is a web-based service that helps researchers maximize the visibility, usage, and citations for published articles. Bentham Open provides the article title, its online link (DOI), and authors’ contact information to Kudos. Kudos will contact the authors to register and use this newly offered service to help increase the readership and citations of their articles.
For more information, please visit the following link: