

Bentham Open partners with Kudos to expand the range of services offered to the authors.


Kudos is a popular web-based service designed to maximize and monitor the visibility and usage of research articles worldwide. It provides an automated, scalable solution to help researchers and their institutions measure, monitor and maximize the usage of and citations to their published articles.

Bentham Science offers its scholarly articles on Kudos, including DOIs, to facilitate linking them to authors' Kudos profiles.

We encourage authors to visit Kudos and take the following steps to enhance the reach and visibility of their research:

  • Create an account on Kudos.
  • Search for articles by title, author name, or DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • Claim your articles.
  • Explain your research objectives, methodology, outcomes, and findings.
  • Share your article's explanation and the publication link with colleagues and networks via email or social media directly through Kudos.


Now, you can publish your explanation for your article on Kudos as a Shareable PDF. The Kudos Shareable PDF enables you to:

  • Maximize the readership counts for your work by consolidating all readership in one place, ensuring that statistics reported to your institution, publisher and funder are as complete as possible.
  • Share your work via scholarly collaboration networks (like ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Mendeley) in a fully copyright-compliant way and with added-value content that will help more people find, understand and develop an interest in your work.
  • Easily compare the results of your sharing via these networks with the results of your other efforts to share (e.g. social media, email, blogs, posters).


Kudos has always helped researchers increase the visibility of their work and track sharing via email, social media, blogs, posters and other places where you can share a link. Shareable PDF now enables you to track sharing on sites where you can’t share a link by itself – sites that require you to upload a PDF in order to list your work. This means you can:

  • Share with confidence – without having to worry about potential copyright violation.
  • Track and compare interest in publications across the different ways you disseminate your work.
  • Make the best possible decisions as to where to invest the little time available for dissemination.


  • Generate your PDF: The ‘Author view’ of your publication in Kudos now includes a ‘Share as PDF’ option. This will generate a PDF version of the article summary you have created in Kudos.
  • Share it: You can upload this summary PDF to any website you choose, including your own website, institutional or subject repositories, scholarly collaboration networks (like ResearchGate, Academia.edu or Mendeley).
  • Track it: The summary PDF contains a trackable link to the full text of your article on the publisher’s website. This means that you will now see statistics in your Kudos dashboard about views of your work that have resulted from sharing via ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Mendeley, enabling you to compare the effect of sharing on these websites with other efforts to share.