The publication of scientific papers involves conscientious, systematic, and comprehensive processes by the publishers and editors, which must be dealt with in an efficient and competent manner. To maintain high ethical standards of scientific publication, publishers strive to work closely with journal editors, authors, and peer-reviewers at all times.
The essentials of Bentham Open (BO) publishing ethics for all groups involved in the publishing process are as follows.
For Editors:
- The editor of a journal holds a vital position in making important editorial decisions on all peer-reviewed articles submitted for publication.
- The editor should maintain the transparency of the academic research and record, preclude professional needs according to the ethical standards, and always be willing to publish retractions, rectifications, and erratum when required.
- The editor should assess manuscripts for their scientific quality and intellectual content, free from any biased decisions based on discrimination of race, gender, geographical origin, or religion of the author(s). In other words, the editor should evaluate manuscripts objectively based on their academic merit and free of any commercial or self-interests.
- The editor should not disclose any information regarding submitted manuscripts before publication of the said manuscript.
- In addition, research rectitude must be promoted. If, at any stage, the publisher suspects any kind of misconduct in research, it should be investigated promptly in detail by the concerned authority. Furthermore, if any suspicious act is observed in the peer review, it will be resolved with diligence.
For Publishers:
Bentham Open is committed to working with journal editors, defining clearly their relevant roles, in order to ensure appropriate decisions regarding publication procedures and maintain the transparency of editorial decisions.
BO ensures the integrity, autonomy, and originality of each published article with respect to the following:
- Publication and research funding
- Publication ethics and rectitude
- Conflict of interests
- Confidentiality
- Authorship
- Article modifications
- Timely publication of content