A BIM-Based Preliminary Database Framework for Structural Hazard Prevention Analysis

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 31 Oct 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501610010695


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a methodology for managing the essential data and information in digital format throughout a building life cycle. During the building operation process, engineers can establish a detailed information database of structural components for structural hazard prevention analysis based on the BIM model. In this paper, the definitions and rules of geometrical and non-geometrical information of structural components are studied, which play an important part in preventing a building from damage under the effect of some potential disasters. Based on the analysis of information integration mode of BIM, a preliminary database framework of main components is proposed for structural hazard prevention analysis. The framework provides an integrated workflow and method for extracting information of structural components from BIM model. As combining with existing intelligent building management system or Internet platform, the framework contributes to developing an application platform for obtaining the key data and information of main components during the structural hazard prevention analysis.

Keywords: BIM Model, Building operation, Hazard prevention analysis, Information integration, Preliminary database framework, Structural components.
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