The Method of Model Approximation for the Analysis of Semi-rigid Connection with Parameter Correlation

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 30 Nov 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501610010738


The moment-rotation model is the main study of semi-rigid connection, moreover, the sensitivity coefficients of parameters on semi-rigid connection are the precondition of a moment-rotation model. There are two issues in the current research: the defective models would be obtained without considering the correlation among the parameters of the structure; for the higher precision sensitivity coefficients, a large number of finite element simulations would be conducted and this process leads to intensive computation. According to these problems, the sampling of the parameters with considering the correlation and the approximate model which was constructed by numbered finite element simulations and improved chaotic particle swarm algorithm are proposed in this paper. Two mathematical example are conducted and the approximate models represent a high degree of accuracy. A new sensitivity calculation is proposed based on the correlation parameters and the approximate model, the moment-rotation model of extended end plate connection obtained from this algorithm has the properties of high computational efficiency and explicit physical meaning.

Keywords: Approximate model, Correlation between parameters, Moment-rotation model, Semi-rigid connection, Sensitivity analysis.
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