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Engineering Project Real-time Objective Monitor Based on Grid Management and Buffer Analysis

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 30 Nov 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501610010794


Engineering projects often face a great number of uncertainties which will lead projects to deviate from the anticipated objective. This paper carried out a detailed study on real-time monitoring of objective deviation in engineering projects, and it will help project managers monitor the state of engineering project better. A Grid Management (GM) method was used to set up a monitor structure, and the real-time monitor grid structure was constructed in level, milestone and objective dimensions. The buffer analysis method was designed to measure the level of objective deviation. The objective deviation level is based on the result of the grid cell buffer analysis. The principal part construction of Shenyang Olympic Tennis court was selected as the example to illustrate the real-time monitor process in detail. The results indicated that the proposed real-time objective monitor method makes it possible for project manager to real-time monitor all the main objectives in one model and carry out management, and decision-making in a more macro perspective.

Keywords: Buffer analysis, Engineering project management, Fixed objective (FO), Grid management (GM), March objective (MO), Objective deviation, Real-time monitor.
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