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Performance Improvement of Box Girder Construction on Toll Road Projects based on M-PERT and VE

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 02 Nov 2021 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149502115010299



According to the 2019 Global Competitiveness Index (CGI) by the World Economic Forum, the infrastructure growth of Indonesia is placed on number 72 out of 141 countries and ranked 5th in the ASEAN countries. The growth of infrastructure in Indonesia is a result of the imbalance increase of developments of 10-55% annually with only a 1.9% annual increase in road length. There was a delay of 11.95%, with the high investment in the construction of this toll road and the low-interest rate of return of around 7.79%.


The expected goal in this research is to have cost and time efficiency in implementing infrastructure on the toll road project.

Materials and Methods:

This research is using a combination of case studies and statistical analysis; the case studies and the implementation of the M-PERT and VE on the object. Statistical analysis using simulation tools Relative Importance Index (RII) analysis based on research instruments to the success of the implementation of Manual Program Evaluation and Review Technique (M-PERT) and Value Engineering (VE) on toll road projects.


The results of research with the analysis RII reveals that 10 important factors are affecting the performance of a project. The case study using the M-PERT method obtains a value of time accuracy of 98.87% of the real duration needed on site, while the VE method results in a revenue contribution outside of the toll income of 9.38% of the construction cost.

Keywords: Toll road, Box girder, M-PERT, VE, Time efficiency, Cost efficiency.
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