
Concrete is a widely used material for construction; therefore, it is necessary to identify materials that are economical, environmentally friendly, easily available, and prevent environmental damage while sourcing the materials, hence this is the aim of this study. The current study’s objective is to have a comprehensive study on the previous research identifying the effects of chipped rubber as concrete coarse aggregate and the compressive strength (ƒc) of the concrete and to identify areas of relevance for better sustainability to reduce the rate of waste rubber and degradation of the environment. To achieve the objectives of this study, a review of previous research works was conducted and analyzed. A comprehensive study on the ƒc of chipped rubber coarse aggregate concrete (RCAC) was studied by reviewing previous research. The addition of chipped rubber in concrete to a specific ratio can enhance or reduce the concrete ƒc. But a reduction in the rubber concrete’s ƒc can be seen when the rubber content ratio exceeded 20%. When the chipped tyre rubber is treated with coupling agents, an increase in the concrete ƒc can be seen. The use of chipped rubber in concrete production reduces environmental degradation and proves as a step toward the sustainable development goal (SDG). Chipped RCAC mixtures are weaker than regular concrete mixtures. RCAC, on the other hand, is more ductile and has a better energy dissipation pattern. The ƒc of concrete was found to be affected by substituting concrete aggregates with rubber.

Keywords: Concrete strength, Compressive strength, Rubber coarse aggregate concrete, Ductility, Sustainability of rubber concrete, Sustainable development goal.
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