A Comparative Study of Overall Stability Calculation of Bending Members by Specifications for Design of Steel Structures Between China and USA

A Comparative Study of Overall Stability Calculation of Bending Members by Specifications for Design of Steel Structures Between China and USA

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 29 Nov 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501307010254


For the issues of overall stability design of bending members in the three specifications for design of steel structures GB 50017-2003, GB 50017-201X(exposure draft) and AISC 360-10, we compared the detailed differences be-tween the three specifications mainly from the aspect of calculation principle of the critical moment Mcr and stability design formulas. The differences can be compared and obtained by applying the design methods to practical problems of stability design of bending members. On the other hand, it can provide some references for the subsequent revision of Chinese code for design of steel structures.

Keywords: Flexural-torsional buckling, critical moment, equivalent moment factor, specifications between China and USA.