The Rough Model Method (RMM) Application to The Computation of Normal Depth in Circular Conduit

The Rough Model Method (RMM) Application to The Computation of Normal Depth in Circular Conduit

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 18 Apr 2014 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501408010057


A new method is presented to compute the normal depth in circular conduit. This is the rough model method (RMM). It states that the linear dimension of a conduit or channel is equal to the linear dimension of a referential rough model corrected by the effect of a non-dimensional correction factor. The method is based on the Colebrook-White and Darcy-Weisbach relationships, applicable to the entire domain of turbulent flow. From the relationship governing the flow in the rough model, the normal depth in a circular conduit is explicitly deduced.

Keywords: Circular conduit, discharge, energy slope, normal depth, rough model method.