Experimental Study of Primary Compression Settlement of Bioreactor Landfills

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 29 Oct 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501509011012


A set of primary compression settlement apparatus was designed in order to evaluate the compression characteristic of bioreactor landfill and forecasting primary compression settlement of garbage body under load. The primary compression settlement test of landfill was conducted by this apparatus in laboratory. Three groups of parallel tests were carried out. When daily average settlement is less than 0.1 cm, the test is over. At the end of the test, the primary compression settlement reached 68%, 63% and 60% of a total settlement respectively. Test showed that domestic garbage is a highly compressibility material. There exists the direct relation between primary compression settlement and initial dry density. Simultaneously, the compression settlement rate decreases with load increasing.

Keywords: Bioreactor landfill, Compression settlement rate, Initial dry density, Primary compression settlement.
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