Effects of Groundwater Exploitation on Embankment for High-speed Railway Lines

Effects of Groundwater Exploitation on Embankment for High-speed Railway Lines

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 10 Jul 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501509010417


Groundwater exploitation will cause significant subsidence to the ground, then influence the deformation of embankment for high-speed railway lines, which may threaten the safety of train operation. To study the law of embankment deformation aroused by groundwater exploitation near high-speed railway lines, a 3D fluid-solid coupling model is established based on infiltrating solidification theory and using finite element software ABAQUS, and embankment deformations caused by different pumping rates and pumping distance are analyzed. The results show that pumping rate and pumping distance are both of great influence on the deformations of embankment for high-speed railway lines. Therefore, in order to control the effects of groundwater exploitation on embankment, it should be forbidden to add new pumping well near the railway lines and groundwater exploitation should be strictly limited within the influence scope.

Keywords: Embankment subsidence, groundwater exploitation, high-speed railway, numerical simulation.