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Performance Evaluation of Bus Routing Scheme During Subway Construction Using Fuzzy Aggregation
To evaluate the layout adjustment scheme of bus line during subway construction, the method combining quantitative survey and fuzzy aggregation is used. One criterion is transit service level, which considered nonlinear coefficient, line length, transfer distance and average waiting time. Another criterion is traffic impact degree incorporating three factors: saturation degree on work-zone section, saturation degree at intersection, passenger volume. The fuzzy aggregation is based on these two criteria. The evaluation method is applied in Ningbo of China. Via quantitative survey, it is found that most of the factors with respect to these two criteria are degraded, when the bus routing scheme comes out during the construction of subway # 1. For instance, new layout such as bus line relocation and bus stop displacement increases traffic volume on some of the south-north links. Most of these links intersect with work-zone links on Zhongshan Road. However, when comparing the evaluated performance of bus line adjustment condition to the one of previous condition under subway construction stage, the gap is well within the acceptable limit. Therefore, the increased traffic may affect the traffic passing on some south-north roads, but will not hinder citizen's daily travel. These analysis and evaluation of bus routing scheme provide reference for the subway construction in other cities with respect to road traffic management.