Behavior Hollow Concrete Reinforced Slab with The Utilization of Polyvivyl Chloride Pipe as a Cavity

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 12 July 2021 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149502115010172



Slab weight can be reduced by replacing the amount of concrete in the tensile area with the utilization of modification polyvinyl chloride pipe as cavity without reducing the flexural strength because the nature of concrete is weak against tensile strength.


This research with the experimental method using static load. The setting of tools refers to the American Society for Testing and Material E 2322, bending analysis is used moment coefficient method, deflection by applying Ugural and Navier method, and shear analysis using Indonesia National Standard 03-2847-2019.


The specimens consist of solid plates with a thickness of 140 mm and hollow plates with a thickness of 140 mm and 159 mm. The maximum load capacity solid plate is 410.642 kN, while the hollow plates (140 mm) is 335.18 kN, and for the hollow plates 159 mm is 396.257 kN. The solid plate’s stiffness is 16.321, the hollow plates 140 mm is 14.787 and the hollow plate 159 mm is 24.194, while the ductility is 1.993 on solid plate, the hollow plate 140 mm is 2.014, and the hollow plate 159 mm is 1.862. The solid plate’s damage is flexural, while the two hollow plates are a combination of bending and shear damage. The crack pattern on the solid plates is flexible, while the crack pattern on both hollow plates is a combination of flexural cracks and shear cracks.


The use of modified polyvinyl chloride pipes can be recommended in the structure of the plate. There is a small, insignificant difference in the flexural behaviour between the solid plate and hollow concrete reinforced slab with the utilization of Polyvinyl Chloride.

Keywords: Hollow plate, Flexural strenght, Deflection, Stiffness, Crack pattern, Ductility, Shear strenght.
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