Use of Artificial Recharge to Rectify Adjacent Building Deformation due to Dewatering

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 31 July 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501509010510


Uncontrolled and unreasonable foundation pit dewatering is often the primary cause of deformation of the nearby buildings. It is therefore imperative to diminish or eliminate negative influence during dewatering. This paper describes the application of artificial recharge to rectify adjacent building deformation due to pumping. Based on the principle of potential function superposition, a water line equation with pumping and injection well’s steady or unsteady simulation operation in a confined aquifer is deduced, thereby an “influence radius” concept for unsteady flow has been proposed. Through a project example, the control effect of recharge for nearby building deformation due to pumping has been evaluated, results of which confirm that recharge can be used as an effective management method. Moreover, some suggestions regarding the layout of recharge wells are put forward.

Keywords: Artificial recharge, deformation control, dewatering, influence radius, well group, groundwater.
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