The Exploration of Hazard Prediction Techniques and Security Management Strategies for Domestic Road Construction

The Exploration of Hazard Prediction Techniques and Security Management Strategies for Domestic Road Construction

The Open Civil Engineering Journal 29 Oct 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874149501509010974


With the rapid development of the economy in China and the speeding up of urbanization, urban roads and highways in China continue to increase. However, due to some of the characteristics of road construction, long duration, high fluidity, large volume of work and complex process, there exist many security problems during the period of construction, which determines that security management is unoptimistic on construction site. This paper makes a comprehensive research over the achievements of domestic and foreign experts and analyzes the causes of the security incidents in domestic road construction, so as to further clarify that the deep reasons for the security incidents in management. Based on this, the author advances the corresponding security management measures. With comprehensive evaluation methods applied on road construction site, the security situation can be predicted and prevented whenever and wherever possible.

Keywords: Domestic road construction, evaluation methods, management measure, security incidents.